Consisting of 17 villas constructed as part of the project developed by Malatya Businessmen’s Association (MİAD) in Malatya for homeless children, Care Houses embraced the true owners, children in need of protection, in 2007.
ASTAY was involved in the “Care Houses” project on a pro bono basis.
Care houses are nothing less than a summer resort with green areas, painting workshops, courts, amphitheater. The residents are 100 children taken under protection for various reasons and their teachers and caregivers...
Named as the “home system”, each of the Care Houses offer a warm family environment to nine children each from various age groups accompanied by teachers graduated from Girls’ Vocational High School Department of Child Development.
Homes for 0-2 age group have the scent of newborns. Young mothers take care of the newborns.
Living in groups of 4-6-8 in Care Houses, children will have the opportunity to run their own errands. They will be able to cook their own food in the kitchen, and wash their own cloths in the washing machines. Thus, they will embrace the environment they live in, and learn to stand on their own feet by taking the responsibilities of others younger than themselves. While family and brotherhood/sisterhood awareness is reinforced with older sister-brother and mother-father figures as the protected siblings start to live together, and the children will be saved from a sense of nihilism.
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