Some people are entrepreneurs, some are disciplined… Some work with passion, and some possess incomparable talent to solve problems. Astay’s roots originate from one person possessing all these skills. Mesut Toprak is an exception who has transferred his entrepreneurial strength, business intellect, discipline and passion into a tangible success story.
From one to thousands…
Astay is one of the most important enterprise examples in our country that was found by one person but continues to grow stronger. First active in textile and garments sectors, with proven success in these fields, Astay has employed thousands by investing in real estate and hotel management sectors, and contributed to the domestic economy.
The sole criterion for success are facts.
Mesut Toprak’s idealist perspective suggests that a businessman’s success cannot be measured by promises, claims or surrounding opinions. The criterion for success are measurable and visible facts, and they can be seen in every part of Astay. Proceeding with this perspective in each investment and developed project, Astay continues a business tradition founded on Mesut Toprak’s “the success of a company will reflect on its balance-sheet” statement.
Astay’s strength derives from its traditions and success from its roots.
“Do the right job, Do your job right.”
Two valued notions lie behind Astay’s success. The first is to do the right job. Doing the right job for Astay refers to making the right investment at the right time in the right place. This alone however is not enough. The second notion is to do your job right. Doing your job right for Astay means to act in an honest, trustworthy, people-oriented and strategic perspective. Astay’s incomparable success story was written by bringing these two notions together.
From textile to garments, from hotel management to real estate…
Following successful investments in textile and garments sectors, in 2004, Astay decided to invest in sectors other than textiles and began operations in both real estate and hotel management fields.
Astay’s first investment in the hotel management field is Four Seasons Istanbul at Sultanahmet hotel. The success of this investment decision is confirmed by annual international awards and crowned by the recognition of corporations and individuals all around the globe. Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at Sultanahmet continues to be one of the most prestigious and profitable tourism facilities in Turkey.
Globally praised achievements…
The second hotel management investment, Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at the Bosphorus, built almost from scratch, quickly became the market leader in all known criteria and began receiving international hotel management awards similar to its twin - Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at Sultanahmet.
Astay’s top real estate investments are Academia Apartments and OnaltıDokuz Istanbul projects. As examples of Astay’s success in pursuit of always doing the right job in the right way, these projects stand out as Istanbul’s rising assets.
Preserving its commitment to its work and ties between traditions, Astay’s notion of business relies on such assets and real examples when building the future.
“Home comfort in hotels, hotel comfort in homes”
When investing in a hotel, that hotel needs to have the warmth of home. If building a living space, that space needs to provide the comfort of a hotel to its owner. This is the foundation of Astay’s investment strategy. Basing all its projects on this principle, Astay strives to build physiologically convenient, comfort-oriented and peaceful living spaces. In projects brought to life, it builds and develops living spaces away from life’s daily rush, dominated by happiness.
When Astay’s hotel management investments are considered, it is clear that pursued projects are at a level of prestige, warmth and luxury that can be managed by the world’s most important tourism and hotel management corporations like Four Seasons.
Besides hotel investments, Academia Apartments and OnaltıDokuz Istanbul projects attract attention by providing hotel comfort to their residents and increasing value they present to their investors. Both projects have taken their places among Istanbul’s favorite, and are of equivalent value to Four Seasons’ infrastructure with regard to their technical and physical assembly as well as prestige and comfort.
“Both cash flow and asset growth”
A good company should rely on two pillars when walking towards the future: A strong cash flow and a strong asset base, to form a sound equity base.
While cash flow in Astay is provided by tourism investments, residential investments meet the need for fast asset increase. Every company develops and grows by optimizing these two basic concepts. Astay has carried this notion further and succeeded in dividing cash flow resources and asset growth needs in a balanced way within these two main investment areas.
Our Vision
Astay’s vision is to always set higher goals with an idealist point of view embedded in its roots, and work with no compromise towards achieving such goals.
Our Mission
Astay acts based on the principle of compliance with human physiology in every project developed and in all investments made. Astay’s mission is to offer ideal living quarters to individuals, and provide added-value to the community and national economy.
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