For real estate to transform into a quality investment, development opportunities need to be utilized at the right time. This requires a corporation to posses an inquisitive, detail-oriented and entrepreneurial identity. As Astay, we position ourselves both as investor and developer, and constantly strengthen this position by assets we produce. It would be enough to look at Istanbul Four Seasons Bosphorus and Four Seasons Sultanahmet hotels to gain the right information on Astay’s perspective on real estate.
Being a strong corporation means having an experienced and qualified staff. This is the foundation of our business, and we work with teams who are the best in their fields. Behind the success of our services such as design, engineering, architecture, planning, construction and management lies this foundation.
We never see ourselves as a corporation that only builds residences and hotels, our primary purpose is to create value… We pursue this vision in every project and invest in areas we foresee transforming into rising assets. With projects we establish on our own properties, we produce and develop projects that will increase their investment value each passing day.
We strive for everlasting sustainable success. We proceed toward new targets with experiences brought by projects we have established and developed until today, and we will continue to proceed on this path.
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